# whoami Hello, I'm **2fort** - a **Cybersecurity Analyst** and **Researcher** based in **Singapore**. I use this website to curate playbooks, tools and also analysis on cybersecurity topics. Both as a future reference point and also for practitioners looking for resources. This is very much a work-in-progress, content will be continually optimized and organized. Currently, the most elaborated section is [[4. Penetration Testing]]. 2 sections that I'm working on now are projects and articles. My interests are cybersecurity, meditation and muay thai. ![[tfc_sniper.png]] # Getting Started 1. Please start by looking through the left part of the site, the information is categorized into 5 main sections: [[1. Linux]], [[2. Windows]], [[3. Computer Networking]], [[4. Penetration Testing]], [[5. Defense]] 2. Alternatively, explore using the Graph View on the right side to see linked topics. 3. Or use the search bar on the top left part of the site to look for a specific topic. # Skill Tree I have working familiarity with Linux (emphasis on Kali Linux at the moment for PT work), Windows Server, Computer Networking, Security Policy, Penetration Testing, Security Operations (ELK Stack, Splunk), MITRE ATT&CK framework and fundamental frameworks of cybersecurity. (NIST CSF 2.0, CIA Triad). # Connect For work enquiries, kindly connect with me via email at [email protected]